Episode 11

Mamoun Taher on Graphamtechs’ origin story

Published on: 23rd September, 2022

In the last episode, Mahmoun Taher explained what Graphene is and dove more into the details of what they're doing at Graphmatech to accelerate commercial application. Like many Deep Tech companies, Graphmatech started based on research at University. In this case, Mahmoun's research as a PostDoc at Uppsala University lead to him starting Graphmatech. But similarly to Jacinto from Peafowl Photovoltaics, he was a researcher with no previous entrepreneurial experience and in search of lab space and approval by his supervisor. Continuing our conversation from the last episode, he explained his first steps when noticing that his research might be economically attractive.

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Music by Nathaniel Drew x Tom Fox:



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Deep Tech Stories
A podcast making deep tech accessible by highlighting creators and pulling their tech from the lab into the real world.
Uncover the exciting stories of deep tech pioneers with 'Deep Tech Stories.' Each episode features in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs, innovators, and idealists in the cutting-edge world of deep tech.

From exploring quantum computing and nuclear fusion to AI, join host Philipp Stürmer as he dives into the stories behind the creators of the most advanced technologies and their real world applications.

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About your host

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Philipp Stürmer

Doing a PhD in theoretical physics, he is still interested in the practical overlap of research, engineering and start-ups that changes the world.